Frim Grandeur to terror


Hotel Métropole: From Grandeur to Terror 

Built for the 1873 World Exhibition, the Hotel Métropole was one of the most opulent hotels in the Habsburg Empire. Travelers from around the world, including Mark Twain, stayed here to experience its modern comforts. It stood as a beacon of progress—until history took a dark turn.

With the Nazi occupation in 1938, the hotel became a center of terror. The Gestapo used it as their headquarters, systematically persecuting Jewish citizens and political dissidents. The once-grand hotel became a place of fear, interrogation, and death, symbolizing the brutal machinery of oppression.

From 1938 to 1945, the Gestapo’s Vienna headquarters orchestrated mass persecution, detaining, interrogating, and murdering tens of thousands. Fear and mistrust were deliberately instilled in society to maintain control. Brave resistance fighters like Rosa Grossmann barely survived the brutal conditions of what were once luxurious hotel rooms. Their personal stories reveal both the immense suffering and the courage of those who opposed tyranny.

The film explores the stark contrasts between the era of optimism and the horrors of totalitarian rule. Featuring powerful reenactments, rare archival footage, and personal testimonies from descendants of survivors, the documentary invites viewers to confront the past and uncover the traces of history that remain.

Running Time: Two parts á 45 min.
Original Language: German
Locations: Austria
Shooting Period: 2024
Completion: March 2025
Shooting Format: 4K

Script & Direction:Bernhard Riener
Co-direction:Mona Kriesch
Camera & Editing:Jonathan Vaughan
Production Management:Alina Parigger
Camera Assistant:Maximilian Kiss
Light:Istvan Pajor
Sound Engeneer:Jonathan Andel
Set Design:Leonie Picher
Production Assistant:Lisa Müller
Make Up:Anna Maurer
Petra Gösselbauer
Voice:Silvana Veit
Voice Recording:Lovison Audio Production
Music:Michael Klement
Sound and Mix:Klement Media
Animation:Roman Hansi
Grading:Nicola Stampfer
Producers:Bernhard Riener
Jonathan Vaughan
Historical Councelling:Elisabeth Boeckl-Klamper
INTERVIEW PARTNERSElisabeth Boeckl-Klamper
Hans Breuer
Michaela Lindinger
Thomas Mang
Gabriele Mayr-Feix
Werner Michael Schwarz
Gerhard Milchram
Wolfgang Neugebauer
Brigitte Rigele
Marianne Schulze
Barbara Stelzl-Marx

CASTFlora Diviak
Aaron Hinterwirth
Thomas Hinterwirth
Maximilian Kiss
Heinz Klinger
Annemarie Krahwinkler
Babsi Kriesch
Mona Kriesch
Hannes Lengauer
Günther Markowitsch
Wolfgang Pannek
Marius Parigger
Kourosh Parsa
Bernhard Riener
Sigrid Sobotka
Jonas Sprengler
Hannah Stemberger
Philipp Wernhart
Franziska Winklmayr
Melina Wolfschluckner
A co-production of:Portal Films GmbH und ORF III Kultur und Information
Co-funded by:VAM - Verwertungsgesellschaft für audiovisuelle Medien GmbH
FFW - Filmfonds Wien
Special Thanks to:Rosi Grömer, Theater Altenberg
Südbahnhotel Semmering
Reaktor Wien
Ariane Tueni
Roswitha Vaughan